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Water Damage Restoration

Hialeah FL

  • Water Extraction And Removal

  • Flood Damage Clean Up And Restoration

  • Water Damage Reduction And Prevention

  • Dehumidification and Drying

  • Removal Of Damaged Property & Debris

  • Deep Cleaning & Sanitization

Why Choose Hialeah Water Damage Restoration Service?

Fast, Efficient, And Thorough - The Safety Of Your Home Or Business Is Our Top Priority

  • Emergency Same-Day Service: Water damage is not something you wait on. The longer your home or business is sitting in water, the more severe and pervasive the damage becomes. Thats why we offer same-day emergency services for a fast and thorough intervention and restoration.
  • Experts You Can Trust: We’ve helped hundreds of home and business owners recover from mild to pervasive water damage. We treat water damage from the root out and will never leave behind moisture in your walls, floors, furniture etc. When it comes to water damage, partial solutions get lead to permanent damage. Trust us to get the job done right the first time.

In addition to water damage restoration, we also provide services in mold testing and mold remediation.

The Categories Of Water Damage

Clear Water

Clear water is water originating from a sanitary source such as your water pipes or rainwater that makes its way into your home or business. Clear water warrants less concern that grey or black water as there are less and less concerning contaminants present in the water.  For mild clear water damage, the option of removal and restoration of carpets, rugs and furniture is still on the table.

Grey Water

Grey water contains significant contamination that can cause discomfort or illness if ingested as well as skin rashes and reactions. Some common sources of grey water include dishwasher or washing machine overflows, Showers, Baths, Sinks and Air Conditioners.  

Black Water

Black water is highly contaminated water that contains pathogenic, toxigenic and other harmful contaminants. Some common sources of black water include sewage water and flood water from neighboring rivers or streams.  Whatever black water has come into contact with, we only recommend demolition and removal to mitigate the health and safety risks involved.

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How Does Water Damage Restoration Work?

When it comes to water damage, it can be overwhelming and leave you thinking “how are we going to recover from this.” We’re here to tell you that you and your home will not only recover, but be made more resilient against any future potential incidents. While every situation is different, our approach to water damage restoration continues to stand the test of time:

  • Initial Assessment & Safety Measures
  • Water Extraction & Removal
  • Drying & Dehumidification
  • Cleaning & Sanitization 

Initial Assessment & Safety Measures

The first step in water damage restoration is assessing the extent of damage and identifying the water’s category. This assessment will determine the restoration strategy and the safety measures needed to protect technicians and inhabitants. Electricity and gas should be turned off, and protective gear should be worn to mitigate health risks, especially in the presence of grey or black water. In addition to mattress cleaning, we also provide comprehensive mold testing and remediation services. Don’t wait until it’s too late, give us a call at (786) 733~4183 and we’ll handle the rest.

Water Extraction & Removal

This process involves using submersible pumps and industrial-strength wet/dry vacuums. The choice of equipment depends on the volume of water and the specific conditions of the site..  Give us a call at (786) 733~4183


Drying & Dehumidification

After removing standing water, drying and dehumidification are critical to remove moisture from materials and air. This step prevents mold and mildew growth, which can start within 24-48 hours after water exposure. Techniques vary from simple air circulation methods, using fans, to more sophisticated dehumidification equipment that precisely controls the indoor environment’s humidity levels. Give us a call at (786) 733~4183 

Cleaning & Sanitization

Once the area is dry, cleaning and sanitizing are paramount, especially if the water damage involves grey or black water. This phase involves using antimicrobial treatments to disinfect affected areas and prevent the spread of bacteria and mold. Carpets, clothing, and other fabrics may require specialized cleaning processes to fully restore them and eliminate health hazards. Give us a call at (786) 733~4183


Get Started With Professional Water Damage Restoration Today

Dealing with water damage can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. At Hialeah Carpet Cleaner, we not only handle your concerns, restore and future-proof your home or business so there is no “next time”. Give us a call at (786) 733~4183 or check us on social media: twitter, instagram, facebook.